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A gateway to embrace

your divine magnificence

Welcome to YBU Now - the gateway to your transformational journey.


YBU Now invites you to ponder: YBU Now? Or … Why should you not be your authentic, divine magnificence and embrace your full potential and soar?


In a world where the pressures of conformity and self-doubt can dim our inner light, YBU Now stands as a guiding light to illuminate your path toward self-discovery and empowerment.


Are you grappling with moments of self-resistance, concealing your true emotions, or battling anxiety's grip? Have you experienced pangs of isolation and the weight of melancholy? Do you yearn to shed the cloak of inadequacy and the confines of societal expectations? It's time to break free from the cocoon of limitation and embrace the vibrant wings of your authentic self.


At YBU Now, I've embarked on this journey too. Drawing upon over 30 years as an educator, 25 years as a devoted mother, and 27 years as a loving spouse and stepmother, I realized that life's demands had woven a web that stifled my own sense of purpose and fulfillment. Despite countless self-help endeavors, the true transformation came when I embraced Ontological Mindfulness Ecological coaching, and awakened to my role as a creator rather than a captive.


This awakening gave birth to YBU Now, a sanctuary for those seeking to step into their own creative power. Our mission is to guide you away from the shadows of victimhood and toward the radiant dawn of your potential. The truth is, within you lies the capacity to design your destiny, to chart a course of authenticity guided by your inner compass and fueled by your aspirations.


Through our services, we offer a hand to hold and insights to ponder as you embark on this profound journey. Our world is evolving, and your transformation contributes to a global shift in consciousness. As you step into your role as a creator, you not only enhance your life but also elevate the collective energy of humanity.


Are you ready to rewrite the script of your life, to attune yourself to the symphony of your desires, and to embody the fullest expression of your being? The answer lies within you, waiting to unfurl its wings and take flight. Explore our offerings, and together, let's unveil the answer to YBU Now. Your metamorphosis begins today.

YBU Now Logo representing Yellow Butterfly Universal Now, a busness run by Deb Leach

Unveiling the narrative behind


My unwavering love for the color yellow threads a tale of resilience and authenticity. As a child, admitting that yellow was my favorite hue wasn't always easy. It stood apart from the more popular blues, pinks, and purples, often inviting chuckles and raised eyebrows. Yet, yellow has transformed from a symbol of uniqueness into an emblem of strength and radiance. It reminds us to embrace our sources of joy openly and unapologetically. I firmly believe that our interconnectedness as global citizens necessitates our individual pursuit of bliss. We're distinct fragments of a unified whole. To stifle our individual brilliance is to dim the collective glow. Let us break free from the shadows! Listen to your inner compass, for not everyone shares the same inclinations. As the saying goes, "If we both thought the same, one of us would be unnecessary." Dare to be your authentic self - that's the essence of YBU Now. A flourishing humanity beckons.


The butterfly embodies a poignant connection between my journey and my daughter's, Gillian. Her watchful eyes observed my life's rhythms, mirroring the busyness I demonstrated. She absorbed the art of constant "doing" as her own mantra. Gillian excelled, becoming her high school's valedictorian among thousands of peers. Her brilliance in science seemed to point towards an expected path, aligning with our midwestern background. Yet, Gillian's heart found solace in dance and the performing arts. She shone brilliantly on stage, her love for the art palpable. Although a nontraditional route, Gillian's passion for dance beckoned, even amidst the allure of a safer, conventional university education.


During her senior year, a pivotal moment arrived when Gillian's heart clashed with the prescribed path. It was then that I faced a choice: to guide her towards her inner calling or towards tradition's security. In choosing her journey, I embarked on my own awakening. The analogy of a butterfly's transformation resonated deeply with us. I nurtured her as the caterpillar stage, but it was up to her to emerge from her cocoon and embrace her vibrant life. And embrace it she did. Gillian manifested her desires, living an enchanting life that radiated positivity to all she touched. She didn't wait decades, like her mother, to grasp her power; she seized it, exuding vibrant energy that uplifts humanity. Can you relate? We need you to. That's YBU Now! Humanity counts on your light.


We're intertwined threads in a universal tapestry, woven intricately into the fabric of existence. This profound interconnectedness, corroborated by the revelations of quantum physics and the insights of the International Space Federation, serves as a poignant reminder of our shared vibrations and energies. Visualize us as fish swimming in the expanse of an ocean, largely oblivious to our collective unity, yet profoundly swayed by the gravitational pull of our intertwined presence. In the past, I felt my energy wane, my sense of self unsure, as I fixated on showcasing my actions rather than unveiling my authentic essence. My genuine voice remained stifled. Today, I grasp that our thoughts and feelings sculpt the contours of our reality. My aspiration is to radiate love and lead from the heart, secure in the knowledge that the universe cradles us all. As integral parts of the One, supporting each other enriches our collective experience. Allow your inner flame to blaze brilliantly within the symphony of our interconnectedness, fostering a realm of abundance and collaborative brilliance. This is the very essence of YBU Now – an essence that resonates with the yearnings of humanity for your unique contribution.


The illusion of linear time often misguides us. Societies tend to stress future objectives, tethering happiness to unfulfilled expectations. This alignment with conventional trajectories struck a chord within me. I once held the belief that my worth would be realized only after reaching specific milestones. YBU Now extends an invitation to shed these preconceptions, to embrace the present moment, and to dissolve the mirage of past and future. Right here and now, gratitude converges with bliss. By grounding ourselves in the present, we unlock synchronicities and immerse ourselves in the exquisite tapestry of existence. Our authenticity and gratitude reverberate throughout the interconnected web, infusing it with the light of enlightenment, the warmth of compassion, the embrace of acceptance, and the radiance of love. This embodies the true essence of YBU Now – an essence upon which humanity's transformation pivots.

Logo of YBU Now otherwise known as Yellow Butterfly Universal

© 2023 Deb Leach

Designed by Cassandra Bartlett

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